Let’s work together
If you represent a public administration (city council, deputation, agency, etc.) and do or want to do actions around the tiger mosquito, we offer you different free proposals of collaboration. Download the Kit for Managers and consult all the possibilities and the material we offer.
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Other collaborations
Last October 2015 Dipsalut, the Mosquito Control Service of the Bahía de Roses and Baix Ter and the town halls of the demarcation of Girona, have joined the citizen system Mosquito Alert to get information and fight against the tiger mosquito.
Since July 2015 citizen observations of Mosquito Alert in Barcelona are an information source to develop actions of the Tiger Mosquito Monitoring and Control Program of the Public Health Agency of Barcelona (ASPB). We also collaborate with public awareness, communication and education activities.
Since September 2015 the city of Valencia counts with the app Mosquito Alert to notify tiger mosquito observations or their breeding sites to the town hall. In 2015, 40% of the risk areas in the city were detected thanks to citizen observations sent with the app.
As a complement to entomological surveillance, the Entomological Surveillance System of the Community of Madrid included the public alert system to alert the authorities to the suspicion of the presence of tiger mosquitoes.
Due to the high risk of introduction of the tiger mosquito and yellow fever mosquito in the Canary Islands, since 2012 this autonomous community is included in the state surveillance program. The Canary Health Service announces Mosquito Alert and its application as a complementary tool.
In 2017 the Spanish National Association of Environmental Health Companies (ANECPLA) will provide qualified knowledge of pest control professionals and disseminate the use of the app among companies and several Spanish municipalities.
Dissemination of the app, flyer and poster from the Environment Area of the City council.
Press note (Spanish)
See at the website (Spanish)
Mention of the app at the health area website Sabadell Salut
Pest control in the Baix Montseny (Catalonia).
Vinaròs distributes information about the tiger mosquito, mentioning Mosquito Alert.
“In 2015, 20% of the citizen observations from Mosquito Alert in Barcelona have been considered as general interest and have been included to our Tiger Mosquito Monitoring and Control Program”
“With this tool the health service extend its preventive actions to control this invasive species which is located in 31 areas of the city”