Mosquito Alert at the AIMSurv Workshop Gallery Mosquito Alert at the AIMSurv Workshop Blog main, Management, Mosquitos, Science Mosquito Alert at the AIMSurv Workshop Alex Richter-Boix2022-04-19T11:16:36+02:00April 19th, 2022| Read More
149 billion: the economic cost of invasive mosquitoes Gallery 149 billion: the economic cost of invasive mosquitoes Biology, Blog main, Default, Public health, Science 149 billion: the economic cost of invasive mosquitoes Alex Richter-Boix2021-04-06T13:18:00+02:00April 6th, 2021| Read More
Mosquito Alert expands to Europe to track the spread of disease-transmitting mosquitoes Gallery Mosquito Alert expands to Europe to track the spread of disease-transmitting mosquitoes Blog main, Management, Press notes, Public health, Science Mosquito Alert expands to Europe to track the spread of disease-transmitting mosquitoes Marta Mora2020-10-06T10:53:44+02:00October 6th, 2020| Read More
15 million for developing a system to predict the risk of infectious diseases outbreaks Gallery 15 million for developing a system to predict the risk of infectious diseases outbreaks Blog main, Management, Press notes, Science 15 million for developing a system to predict the risk of infectious diseases outbreaks Marta Mora2020-07-21T11:24:05+02:00July 20th, 2020| Read More
Coordinating the surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquitoes at European level Gallery Coordinating the surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquitoes at European level Management, Science Coordinating the surveillance of Aedes invasive mosquitoes at European level Alex Richter-Boix2020-02-13T09:58:48+01:00January 30th, 2020| Read More