Deprecated: La funció tribe_get_view és obsoleta des de la versió 5.13.0! Utilitzeu On version 6.0.0 this function will be removed. Please refer to https://evnt.is/v1-removal for template customization assistance. en el seu lloc. in /usr/www/users/mosquh/wp-includes/functions.php on line 5381
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Citizen Science Training School
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Citizen Science Training School
Citizen Science Training School:
Where Science meets Society – Citizen Science as an emerging tool to expand research horizons
Organized by the International School of Ethology “Danilo Mainardi”, Ettore Majorana Foundation and Centre for Scientific Culture & the COST Action – CA15212 Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy and innovation throughout Europe
Program: Click here for the preliminary Programm and Speakers
Dates: 26th November 2018 (Arrival Day – No school Activities) – 1st December 2018 (Departure Day – No School Activities)
Location: Ettore Majorana Centre, Via Guarnotta, 26, I‑91016 ERICE, Italy
Official Website: www.citizenscienceaterice2018.wordpress.com