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Citizen Science Training School
Navegació d'Esdeveniment

Citizen Science Training School
Improving urban environmental health by aligning civic participation and policymaking
Organized by the COST Action – CA15212 Citizen Science to promote creativity, scientific literacy and innovation throughout Europe
Preliminary Program:
The Environmental Health Clinic (EHC), by engineer and artist Natalie Jeremijenko develops and prescribes systems that improve local human and environmental health. Environment belong to all of us. This property invites us to reimagine our relationship with natural systems; to redesign and improve human and environmental health.
As part of the exhibition After the end of the world at CCCB, physicist and curator Josep Perelló invited Natalie Jeremijenko to design an EHC for Barcelona. The Clinic aims to improve environmental health in a participatory manner and by creating synergetic relations among policymakers, citizens and a cultural center by means of citizen science strategies. The Clinic will be divided in two spaces: Beta Station at the CCCB and City Station (co-produced by the Innovation Center at ICUB-City Council and CCCB), in a public lot and adjacent public spaces in the Poblenou area of the Sant Marti district. From these two locations the EHC will implement and disseminate six prescriptions designed by the artist to improve environmental health with a scientific protocol attached:
- Farmacy | OOZ | Water | Waste | Energy | CIA (Creative Independent Agency)
The project brings a unique opportunity to:
- Codevelop concrete actions that can have a real impact in the city of Barcelona using citizen science
- Be in close contact with a list of agencies and entities within the city council of the municipality and increase link between citizen science strategies and policymakers. Representatives of the municipality will be actively engaged in the school
- Codesign participatory strategies in combination including artistic practices and a cultural centre fully engaged in improving the environmental health of the city